I have just figured out the 5th Dimension! And the 6th!
Like the 1st through 3rd dimensions (XYZ), Time which is considered simply the 4th dimension has more than one axis. It has a total of 3 which are all observable.
Most of the time we only experience Time on the X axis and in one direction only. Within the hour between 2 AM Standard Time and 3 AM Daylight Time is were one can find the Y axis of time, where an infinity of things between now and the end of time happens in the instant we experience a missing hour of sleep in the Spring. We just don’t get to experience that Y axis to infinity except for an instant. An hour of X axis time vanishes as payment for this brief glimpse.
Time doesn't jump ahead at that moment. Time goes off at a 90 degree angle! In that instant we can stare at another Infinity.
Remember that time can only flow in one direction, regardless of the axis. Thus in the Fall, when we set the clocks back, we experience the Z axis of time, although we seem to think we are simply getting an extra hour and experience it that way. Its an illusion. Time along the X axis stands still. Its the Z axis that loses an hour of its time as payment.
Simply put, we are living on borrowed time.
I just figured this out in the last hour. I woke up at 2AM PST and by 3AM PDT I was done with all the complex math calculations proving this.
There is one theory that the 5th axis and the 6th axis are the same. This is more likely to be true if these “Time changes” occurred at exactly 1/2 year intervals. When you stare at the Sun on the Spring Equinox and then the Fall Equinox, you are facing Space in two opposite directions. The fact that we set our clocks back and forth as winter begins and ends disproves this possibility as the dimensions of Time should have the same 0,0,0 starting point as XYZ.
4:55AM Sigh. The Melatonin isn’t doing its thing. Obviously.
Speaking of time, my best laid plans for fun and entertainment usually are made during the sleepless peaks of my cyclothymia cycle, such as the one I am currently trying to tamp down. (Apparently, the release of stress boosts my Cortisol - or perhaps its the little bit of Chocolate I had this week). Then comes the inevitable crash and the sleepy times and the nagging worry of things I haven’t finished such as all the unfinished flutes in my queue that were due before Christmas. In the last week I emerged out of this work tunnel, having shipped off some four different keyed flutes and I am about to send off 5 of my Folk Flutes tomorrow. Basically I have to adult during that time in order to get past it.
Thus things like the promised daily parody posts on some random science topic in my AAIA Substack called The Beaver simply didn’t happen. I will probably move all the posts here where I keep my creative writing, and perhaps abandon the idea of paid subscriptions on Substack entirely. I seem to do better at earning a living in the analog world making flutes. I can and often make these in my sleep.
There is a chance that I may even have to limit flutemaking. 40 years of flute making has taken a toll on my hands. Soon I will be getting my hand issues looked at by the hand specialists at Virginia Mason in Seattle. I am having increasing numbness in my fingertips.
If I have to throttle back my flute making career, well then perhaps I will revive the idea of my substack on instrument making with paid subscriptions, along with live broadcasts on YouTube and perhaps TikTok if it survives. For now this is my fallback - and something that I currently have little time for. There is also the idea of 3D printing flutes which is already being done by a few other makers. I still plan to pursue making at least a few glass flutes.
Speaking of Crashing and Burning, I am hoping that none of my friends had any of their savings or careers touced by the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank. I did hear that Etsy is all buggered up by it in terms of payments to craftspeople who get paid through Etsy - which means my nephew and his wife are affected by this! Yikes!
The SVC Bank Collapse may be a big thing. Others on TikTok are doing a great job describing what happened and how people and companies are affected above the $250,000 insured by the FDIC. Simply put, they will get little of it back (one estimate said 3%), causing many companies to fail throwing thousands out of work. There were some unverified reports on TikTok about people lining up at banks already in anticipation of a widespread bank run on Monday Morning. Tomorrow. It wasn’t the crash on Wall Street that precipitated the Great Depression so much. It was the credit freeze followed by a widespread run on the banks causing bank failures everywhere.
To be on the safe side, I moved a little bit of money out of PayPal and Venmo into my credit union account. Today I’ll might withdraw a little cash at the ATM in case the credit union freezes. I suspect they will be okay, along with PayPal and Venmo.
Unfortunately, I predict the far right idiocy in the House will use this banking collapse to their advantage politically (ignoring the fact that the former President and Republican Congress did some banking deregulation in 2018, getting rid of the Dodd-Frank controls that would have prevented SVC’s extinction event. SVC lobbied hard for this!) and force the US to default on its debt, instead of agreeing to raise the Debt Ceiling. The value of the Dollar may collapse the same way Germany’s currency collapsed during the Weimer Republic.
We all know what followed that hyper-inflationary event.
We have our own fascist Christian Nationalists. It seems that Time has shifted back in time. Enjoy the current Roaring Twenties while they last before the fun ends! Like ChasingOz in Florida, most of us will be stuck here and cannot flee to some safe country like New Zealand (we have cousins there).
Speaking of TikTok, I fully understand why the Far Right wants to get rid of it. For similar reasons Elonia Musk took over Twitter and is effectively destroying it. Twitter before and TikTok currently are places where individuals can report on current situations with a much higher degree of honesty, truth and depth than is found on the Corporate Media. One very good example is John Aravosis and his reporting on Ukraine. This bastion of Free Speech is a direct threat to the Republicans, Corporations and the Morbidly Rich.
There is certainly a bunch of breathless reporting and misinformation on TikTok as well. Simply take charge of the Algorithms. Only follow the good ones such as Aravosis, LaughterInLight, ChasingOz (“Good Morning”) and Hawk et al to tweak the algorithms into showing you reliable content. Many are mirroring their content elsewhere such as YouTube which is less likely to evaporate - and where its harder for trolls to get their content censored and booted off the platform.
The terms Influencer and Creator are recently delineated, starting before TikTok grew into its current prominence. I am reading an interesting recently published book looking at these phenomenon partly from the inside and outside called Break the Internet: The Truth about Influencers (2022) by the unfortunately late Olivia Yallop (1993-2022). She describes the landscape, and how many have become millionaires by simply turning their lives into a commodity, manipulating the algorithm (the magic number seems to be a million followers), product placement in their videos, boosting and synergy between influencers and such that rivals the Red Carpets of tonight’s Oscars Ceremony. Actually there will probably be posts directly from individuals attending that event.
This book is an intense read for a Baby Boomer trying to stay current with the times. However it has allowed me to stratify TikTok’s Influencer-rich environment into something that is easily understandable. Look at that ecosystem as television before the Internet. You had your sitcoms with laugh tracks. This is how I view these influencers who share every aspect their lives and then some in JennyCam fashion (google Jennifer Ringley, considered the first “Lifecaster”). Its unclear which more worthless in content to me personally - this or most of “Peak TV” (including streaming content). I won’t be watching the Oscars or the SuperBowl whenever that happens…
Another layer is educational with content worthy of PBS’s Nature. Also interesting content showing how stuff is made similar to videos of the same shown on Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. There is much coming out of China ranging from modern heavy industrial practices to traditional crafts and industry described in the book China at Work (Hommel, 1937). I love these videos!
But then you have several TitTok bloggers who are the equivalent of Walter Cronkite. Those are the ones to follow to hear the latest news and opinion.
Unfortunately like Facebook, Twitter and every other social media platform there are the trolls and the misinformation posts. Some of these occasionally get taken down. If TikTok goes extinct maybe some startup with their $250,000 and many willing (and recently un-hired now re-hired) employees can come up with a TikTok like platform that filters out the crap. Otherwise, simply filter that out by Taking Control of the algorithm.
Hmmm… I have OpenAI loaded on Chrome (it took just a missing minute of time to generate that blackboard full of my calculations). I will ask ChatGPT how to better control the algorithm on TikTok. If I have the time. My 5th and 6th Dimension Discovery may be worth some award. But discovering how to wrangle TikTok is certainly worth a Nobel Award. Or perhaps an IgNobel….
I took a minute of the 4th dimension to consult the Oracle. The following was the result:
(ChatGPT Prompt) Write an article 3-4 paragraphs long (Notice it gave me 5) about how one can manipulate and take control of TikTok's content algorithms, so that the delivered content is free of misinformation and non-relevant crap
(Result) TikTok's algorithm is designed to deliver personalized content to its users based on their interests and engagement history. While this can lead to an enjoyable user experience, it can also result in the delivery of misinformation and non-relevant content. However, there are ways to manipulate the algorithm to ensure that the content delivered is free of these issues.
Firstly, users should engage with content that is relevant to their interests and report any misinformation they come across. TikTok's algorithm takes into account the user's engagement history and their reported feedback. By engaging with informative and trustworthy content, users can signal to the algorithm that they prefer accurate and reliable content.
Secondly, users can also take control of their "For You" page by using the app's search function to find and follow content creators who specialize in topics that interest them. This will create a more focused and informative feed, minimizing the likelihood of irrelevant or misleading content being delivered.
Finally, users can also use TikTok's built-in features to customize their content preferences, including the option to hide videos, accounts, or sounds. These features allow users to filter out content that they deem to be irrelevant or untrustworthy, which can further improve the quality of their TikTok feed.
In conclusion, while TikTok's algorithm can sometimes deliver misinformation and non-relevant content, users can take control of their feed and manipulate the algorithm to deliver informative and accurate content. By engaging with trustworthy content, following relevant content creators, and utilizing TikTok's customization features, users can enjoy a more enjoyable and informative user experience on the platform.
Okay. I couldn't help myself. Read this at The Beaver.
PS: read through the references carefully